car accident

As a parent of a teenage driver about to embark on a land-based or online driver's ed course, you're likely filled with concern for their safety on the road. Your top priority is finding the best driver training option to help your new driver avoid accidents. The online driver ed course offered by Online Drivers Ed brings intuitive education into your home, teaching your new driver everything they need to know to stay safe.

However, accidents can still happen. Whether it's your teenager's fault or another driver's, your new driver must know how to react in the unfortunate event of a traffic accident. Online Drivers Ed provides a quick rundown of key steps your new driver should take in the event of a traffic accident.

Essential Steps to Take After a Traffic Accident

  1. Stop and Signal: As you'll learn in a California online driver's ed class, stop your vehicle and turn on your hazard lights to warn other drivers that an accident has occurred.
  2. Call 911: Report any injuries and request an officer to be dispatched to the scene. Do not leave the scene, as California law requires you to remain there, or else you could be charged with a hit-and-run offense.
  3. Exchange Information: Collect key information from the other driver, including their name, address, date of birth, telephone number, driver's license number, and insurance company. Additionally, gather the same information from any passengers and witnesses.
  4. Take Note of Officer Details: Get the badge number and name of the officer who reported to the scene of the accident.
  5. Avoid Speculation: Don't volunteer your thoughts on the accident to the other driver involved. Even if you think the accident was your fault, keep that to yourself. Police officers will use various details to determine the cause and fault of the accident.
  6. Don't Settle on the Spot: Don't agree to pay for damages or settle on the spot. Leaving the police out of the situation could lead to complications. Let the police and insurance companies work things out.
  7. Document the Scene: Online driver's ed courses often emphasize the importance of having a camera on hand. Use your smartphone camera to take photos of the accident scene, including any damages to both vehicles. Capture images from a distance and multiple angles, but ensure you do so safely.

These are just a few essential steps to take in the event of an accident. While an online driver's ed course in California may recommend additional measures, this list is a great start. Print out this article and keep it in your glove compartment for easy reference.