Free Practice Permit Test
Maximize Your Test Preparedness with Free Learners Permit Practice Tests
Looking to take a free learner permit practice test before you go to the DMV for the real test? You’re in luck because many states offer practice permit tests online for free. Practice permit tests are a great way to test your skills and prepare yourself for the DMV test.

Even if you are confident that you are prepared for your permit test it doesn’t hurt to take a few practice tests. You’ll want to make sure the tests you are taking are meant for the state you will be taking the actual permit test. The laws vary from state to state so it’s important to make sure you’ll be brushing up on the proper laws for the roads you’ll be driving on.
You will want to look at the DMV website for your state to see if they have an official practice permit test that you can take. Many states not only offer a practice permit test but also a free mobile application so you can test your knowledge on the go. There are also some generic applications you can download for extra practice such as DMV Genius and Drivers Ed - DMV Permit Test.
Using Online Drivers Ed as a Permit Practice Test
Whether your state requires you to or not, Online Drivers Ed is a great way to prepare yourself for your permit test. The online material is designed to help you learn and retain the information that will be most important to you while on the road. Each unit also has a multiple choice review quiz that will help prepare you for both the final exam in the course and the DMV learners permit test. If you complete the Online Drivers Ed final exam with no problems, you should feel confident that you will do equally well on the DMV permit test.