Looking for basic information about OnlineDriversEd.com?


We've put together a list of our most frequently asked questions about online driver's ed in general. Have a question and can't find the answer in our FAQs? No problem! Simply contact us today to find an answer.

Yes, you can take our online course from any desktop or laptop computer with Internet access. Our courses are also compatibible with phones and tablets.

No. You can take our online course in bits and pieces, or you can do it all in one sitting, it is entirely up to you. When you register, you are issued a unique Login ID, which you will use to sign in and out of the course. Your progress is saved each time you log out, so when you’re ready to continue, you can pick up right where you left off.

We accept Visa and MasterCard. You can pay online with a credit card or an ATM/Debit card as long as it has a Visa or MasterCard logo.

The course is divided up into units containing reading material, video and graphics with a short review quiz at the end of each unit. There will also be a final exam at the end of the course.

Our online course is graded based on answers given to multiple choice questions. The questions are based on material provided within the course text, video, and animations. To pass the course, a score of 80% or greater is required on the section tests and the final exam. We offer unlimited retakes, so if you don't pass on your first try, you can try again.

Our drivers ed online course is approved in California and Nevada. Choose state from the below dropdown to find the approval details for your state.

Yes, our website is secure. Not only are we verified through Comodo Secure.