First, take a deep breath, flashing lights behind you don't necessarily mean you are receiving a traffic violation. In fact, a police officer can turn on their lights and signal a driver to pull over in order to alert them to a problem with their vehicle.
In The Event of the Real Thing
However, when you do see the flashing lights behind you, it's important to follow certain etiquette and protocol to avoid getting more than a traffic ticket because contempt or resisting a police officer is a much more serious charge. You do not want to run the risk of increasing the potential fine you are already courting when the police officer turns on his lights and pulls behind you.
So, remember what you learned in driver's education training when those lights start flashing behind you, and be sure to obey the following advice:
- Continue driving until you find a safe place to stop; never just slam on the brakes.
- Be sure to pull your car off to the right, if you need to make a turn to pull into a parking lot for stopping, be sure to signal.
- Always signal when you are ready to pull over or off the road
- Do not remove your seat belt and do not get out of your car
- Keep your hands on the steering wheel at the 10 and 2 positions when the officer approaches the window
- When the police officer requests your license, registration, and/or proof of insurance, tell the officer where it is before you reach for it especially if your hands have to go out of sight
- Smile, be polite, and listen to the officer. Don't joke, don't argue, and don't get belligerent
- If you have passengers in your car, be sure to tell them to be quiet and well-behaved and that they should also keep their hands where they can be seen
- If it's nighttime, turn on the dome light inside your car. if the officer shines a bright light in your face, don't get combative
- If you have to reach into your purse to get anything, open it wide enough that the officer can see inside it
- If the officer asks you to step out of the car, cooperate
- If you want to debate the offense, be reasonable and never yell
Your Driver's License, Your Life
If you still end up getting a traffic ticket at the end of the day, you have the option of going to court and fighting it or typically you can take a traffic school course to keep it off your driver's record. If your traffic ticket is for expired inspection, expired license plates, or other failed paperwork, getting it all up to date and in order before you pay your traffic violation fine may actually get the fine reduced or dismissed.
Teen driving is a privilege -- drive safe, and protect your driver's license and your life.