a driver asleep while holding the steering wheel

Drunk driving gets a lot of attention, and rightfully so. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is deadly, and unfortunately, many drivers still do it. But there's another danger on the road that's often overlooked: drowsy driving. It might be more similar to drunk driving than you think. This is crucial information for anyone taking online drivers ed or learning to drive.

Sleep Deprivation vs. BAC

Studies show a startling comparison. One study suggests that staying awake for 24 hours straight can impair your driving abilities similar to having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.10 percent. To put that in perspective, a BAC of .08 percent is considered legally drunk in most states. This means severe sleep deprivation can be as dangerous as being legally intoxicated.

Drowsy Driving Statistics & Accidents

It's challenging to pinpoint the exact number of fatalities caused by drowsy driving. However, estimates suggest that as many as 6,000 fatal crashes each year are linked to driver fatigue and that up to 100,000 car crashes could be attributed to driving while sleepy. These are significant numbers that highlight the risk.

Drowsy Driving Laws

While the dangers are clear, creating and enforcing laws against drowsy driving is difficult. New Jersey passed "Maggie's Law" in 2003, allowing vehicular homicide charges against drivers who kill someone after being awake for 24 hours straight.

The problem? Proof. Unless a driver admits to sleep deprivation, it's incredibly hard for law enforcement to prove. This makes these laws challenging to enforce.

A high-profile case brought this issue to light in 2014 when comedian Tracy Morgan was seriously injured in an accident caused by a fatigued truck driver. The driver was indicted for vehicular homicide, as a passenger in Morgan's vehicle was killed.

Regardless of specific state laws, a police officer can pull you over for any unsafe driving maneuvers. Because drowsy driving often mimics drunk driving (swerving, erratic behavior), you could be stopped on suspicion of DUI.

Recognizing the Signs of Drowsy Driving

Being able to identify the signs of drowsy driving is critical for your safety and the safety of others. Here are some key indicators:

  • Difficulty focusing, frequent blinking, or heavy eyelids.
  • Wandering or disconnected thoughts; daydreaming.
  • Trouble remembering the last few miles driven.
  • Repeated yawning or rubbing your eyes.
  • Head nodding or falling asleep briefly.
  • Drifting from your lane, or hitting the rumble strips.
  • Feeling irritable, restless, or impatient.
  • Short attention span

Practical Tips to Prevent Drowsy Driving

Preventing drowsy driving is essential. Here are some driver safety tips, especially important for new drivers and those taking drivers ed courses:

  • Self-Assessment: Be honest with yourself. If you notice any of the warning signs above, pull over immediately. If you're a passenger, speak up if you see the driver exhibiting these signs.
  • Prioritize Sleep: Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep before any drive. Less than six hours significantly increases your risk.
  • Avoid Driving During Sleepy Hours: Your body has a natural sleep-wake cycle. Avoid driving during the hours you'd normally be asleep, even if you've had daytime rest.
  • Medication Awareness: Be cautious of medications (even over-the-counter cold/flu remedies) that cause drowsiness. Always read labels and consult your doctor about potential side effects.
  • Zero Alcohol: Even a small amount of alcohol can amplify drowsiness. Avoid alcohol completely before driving.
  • Plan for Long Trips: On road trips, share the driving responsibilities with a companion.
  • Regular Breaks: Stop at least every two hours, or every 100 miles, to stretch, get fresh air, and have a light snack or caffeine. Avoid heavy meals, which can induce sleepiness.
  • Caffeine as a Temporary Aid: Coffee or energy drinks can provide a short-term boost, but they won't sustain you for a long drive. Don't rely on them as a substitute for proper rest.
  • Power Nap Strategically: A 20-30 minute power nap can help.
  • Safe Resting Spots: If you need to pull over for a nap, choose a well-lit, designated rest area.
  • Listen to upbeat music or a podcast.

Avoiding driving when tired could save your life and the lives of others.