teen on laptop

Are you considering online teen driver’s ed, but aren't sure it's right for you? We've outlined some of the major advantages and disadvantages of these courses to give you some help deciding.

Advantage: May Fulfill All Your Licensing Requirements

If you want their license as quickly as possible, online driver's ed courses are often all you need to finish your state requirements. That's right: you don't necessarily need to attend a boring class and watch all those horrific crash videos. Instead, you can get your non-driving licensing requirements from the comfort of your home.

However, this option isn't available in every state. States that allow online driver’s ed to fulfill your licensing requirements include:

  • California
  • Florida
  • Colorado
  • Indiana
  • Georgia
  • Nevada
  • Minnesota
  • Pennsylvania
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas
  • Virginia

If you live in any one of these states you are in luck, especially if you're the kind of person that prefers studying and learning alone and in a self-directed manner.

Disadvantage: May Be Superfluous

In states where online driver's ed is NOT a stand-alone training option, you may spend a lot of money on unnecessary information. Online driver's education offers the same basic knowledge as classroom-based education, including driving law, safe driving concepts, and other vital information.

Paying money to invest in an online class means you're probably just throwing good cash away to learn something you'll be taught later. While they may serve as a useful way of studying or testing your skills, there are free driver's ed study guides available online that can do the same thing.

Advantage: Helps You Learn at Your Own Pace

Multiple studies have shown that people have different learning paces. Some people may pick up on new concepts quickly and easily, while others will slowly get used to them. That doesn't mean the latter person is "stupider" than the other person: it just means they learn differently.

Online driver's ed courses almost always let you finish their tests and quizzes in your way and at your own pace. For teens with short attention spans, online courses are especially nice.

However, they can also be useful for quick-learning teens: it helps them from getting as they whiz their way through the training materials at their own quick pace.

Disadvantage: Self-Direction is Hard

While working at your own pace may feel like a major advantage, it can turn into a major problem if you lack self-direction. Simply put, you're not going to have a teacher or a parent guiding you through your online classes: you'll have to do them on your own.

For some teens, this won't be a problem, but others might not have the same kind of dedication.

Advantage: Includes Vivid Interactive Educational Tools

Online driver's ed courses break through the boring lectures of classroom-based learning and present teens with a variety of interactive educational options. These options are designed to engage the teen’s minds and keep them focused on learning.

Online driver's ed courses offer teen drivers access to:

  • Videos
  • Animations
  • Practice permit tests
  • Potential insurance discounts

Disadvantages: Need to Find Your Own On-Road Instructor

While online courses offer you access to just about everything you get from a classroom instructor, they require you to set up road time with a separate driver. Thankfully, it should be relatively easy to find one on your own. However, it adds an extra distraction.

Hopefully, this information has helped you make the right choice. Driver's education is only effective if you enjoy the experience and truly learn something.